DSGM Founder Neeco PB produced an exhibit with one of a kind canvas pieces.
This exclusive event exposed the artistic side of what goes into generating eye catching material at DSGM, whether it be clothing or physical art.
The way an individual expresses themselves through creative arts is important in making each creation unique.
Every garment starts first with an idea and is moved through multiple design phases before ever being manufactured.
These canvas pieces showcased at DSGallery where no different, starting with an idea and finishing with a masterpiece!
One Step At A Time
*Available for purchase in catalog
This canvas entitled "One Step At A time" was made as motivation to keep going, keep moving, keep producing no matter what life throws at you.
created with painted footprints from a pair of DSGMs INFINITY SLIDES gives this one a step up from the rest.
Pair of Infinity Slides used in creating the footprints on "One Step At A Time"
Half Smiley
*Available for purchase in catalog
This fun canvas was inspired by a flyer design made and distributed in the INFINITY SLIDES packaging.
The right side sports half of the recognizable OG DSGM Smiley logo while the left is filled with DSGM signature shipping stamp. Classic.

Flyer graphics mentioned in the creation of "Half Smiley"
Stay Humble. Stay Hungry. Stay Quiet.
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